Saving souls is the highest calling and mission of born-again Christians- being kingdom-minded soldiers for God – and there are many ways we can share Jesus and the Good News Gospel in the community.
Proactively schedule at least one day a month toward the goal of saving souls OUTSIDE the church walls, get a group together who would be willing to work different events.
If you or your church has been using public pra0+yer stations at parks, neighborhoods or business, please come share your experience to encourage others to reach out to the lost.
Even people who do not believe in God perceive the need for prayer! That’s why people will come up to a prayer station. If you like to meet people and would like to be a beacon of light for those seeking spiritual discussions or guidance in your Neighborhood, at local parks, local events, festivals and fairs OR ANYWHERE… Put up a sign, grab a friend or Get your church involved in a prayer outreach program.
Article: Michigan Mayor Defends Prayer Station
Sometimes just having a prayer box available will bring in those who are too shy to come up with a person around, but they will write down their prayer request privately. When you or members of your church diligently pray for these requests, that person may see the glory of God revealed in their lives when they see the very prayer they wrote down and placed in the box by faith- answered.
Your prayer station could be as simple as a poster board taped on the front of a small portable table and your prayer box could be a shoe box in wrapping paper. Go online and find some great ideas.
If you’ve written songs or poems declaring your love of Jesus and the Father and the struggles you face, why not share those talents that you were given for the furtherance of the gospel. They’re for amateurs so don’t be shy. Don’t have a song or poem yet…there’s your inspiration to write one.
One interpretation of Mat 25:22 -the parable of the “talent” means you should use your talents to reveal Jesus to lost souls.
Mat 24: 25-30 [Paraphrased] One servant said, Lord, you gave me two talents: and look, I have gained two other talents beside them. 23 His lord said to him, Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord.
But the second servant said about his talent that he was afraid of investing and risking it, so he hid his talent. But his lord told him, “You should have put the talents I gave you to work, and then at my coming I will have received more lost souls because of you.”
Moral of the story…use the talent God gave you to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tracts are an excellent way to break the ice for a conversation and are easy to leave in places that can be discovered by unbelievers.
Tracts come in all kinds of “flavors” for events and holidays
Below are some resources for tracts that seem to hit closest to the full gospel of Sin – Confession – Repentance – Salvation
Would you pay $6 to save one soul?
Average price for tracts including shipping average $6 for 20 or $10 for 100 and are cheaper in bulk on some sites. Example: Have a Good Day Tracts on Amazon
These links are only references I have used myself and find reliable. I am not affiliated with nor profit from any of these sites, links or recommendations.
Local Christian Book Stores usually carry Billy Graham tracts.
EVANGELISM TOOLS website is chock full of evangelism tools, resources, videos and information. Highly recommended.
Open Air Preaching Examples and Techniques
The Global Impact of One Man & Tracts: The Man From George Street
Tips for Street Preaching & Personal Witnessing: Ray Comfort
Funny Tract Parody Million Dollar Bill
SHARE A MOVIE has produced some fantastic documentaries asking average people on the street compelling questions about the origin of their faith, perception of reality and challenge the very core of their beliefs. Send links to your friends who may be curious about some of the topics below.
- Outreach videos tackling tough biblical objections:
Ray Comfort does a great job on getting to the heart of the issue of sinning so he can move his listeners on to good news of salvation and delivering the gospel.
Visit Living Waters Youtube Channel for a plethora of videos demonstrating the power of the gospel to the salvation of souls.
Open Air Preaching Examples and Techniques